History of Tropic Marin
Back then...
In the early 1960s seawater aquarium keeping was still in its infancy – there were no custom-made products for near-natural water conditions as found in the sea. Until then, professional and amateur aquarium keepers had been required to create a salt blend themselves from numerous raw materials or purchase partial mixtures in order to provide for their plants and creatures. Optimal natural living conditions could not be achieved in this way and no thought could be paid to the keeping and breeding of sensitive fish and coral species.
It was at this time that an easily-soluble, single-component sea salt was created that contained all of the trace elements of the sea: Tropic Marin® Sea Salt. This was a breakthrough in sea water aquaristics and laid the foundations for the Tropic Marin® company and brand, which is now known worldwide.
In 1964 the first packs left the site in Wartenberg/Germany, which remains the headquarters and production base of our company to this day. Numerous further product innovations followed, such as Tropic Marin® Bio-Calcium, which in 1995 became the first product on the market to offer all components for the optimal, balanced supply of calcium in one mixture.
New standards were also set with the development of a water testing range. This meant that it was now possible to determine water values with great accuracy and to counteract any deviation from the recommended values.
In recent years Tropic Marin® has increased research in the field of reef aquariums in particular, launching a range of new products on the market. Pro-Reef sea salt and the “Pro-Coral”- range take account of the special conditions in caring for reef aquariums and form the basis for care and cultivation of even highly-sensitive stony corals. With the products of the “Bio-Actif”-range it is also possible to create low nitrate and phosphate concentrations for near-natural conditions in reef aquariums. Organic substances stimulate the microbiology and remove excess nutrients in the aquarium. These developments are the result of intensive research into the natural biotopes of the sea and in intensive cooperation between our development laboratory and scientists, zoos and amateur aquarium enthusiasts.
In the meantime, the company's headquarters are in Switzerland, from where distribution and brand management are carried out. The production of all Tropic Marin® products continues to take place at the traditional site in Wartenberg near Fulda.

Today Tropic Marin® enjoys an outstanding reputation both nationally and internationally. Tropic Marin® sea salts are among the most frequently-used synthetic sea salts, not least due to the exclusive use of high-quality raw materials and the natural composition with the 70 trace elements of the sea.
With the extensive range of sea salts, mineral mixtures, bacteria additives, test kits and filter equipment Tropic Marin® supplies beginners, experienced aquarium keepers, zoos, large aquariums, universities and laboratories in over 50 countries around the world. Tropic Marin® is often involved in the breeding of and research into marine organisms in particular – scientists appreciate the near-natural and reproducible conditions that they achieve with Tropic Marin® products.
The Tropic Marin® brand utilises decades of experience in the continuous innovation of its products. The Tropic Marin® product range now includes over 50 different products, which are still manufactured to the highest technical standards at our Wartenberg site and other locations in Germany and abroad.

In the seawater field significant progress is currently being made in the understanding of chemical and biochemical processes, both in nature and in the aquarium. Aquarium keepers, scientists and manufacturers are developing new methods and approaches that greatly improve the keeping and reproduction of sensitive marine organisms. Of particular note here is the increasing interaction of all areas, from provision of minerals and nutrients to lighting, technical equipment and current flow patterns.
Tropic Marin® continues to focus on researching these interrelations. The goal is to develop new, innovative products that make the aquarium more similar to natural conditions whilst at the same time enabling a high degree of simplicity and safety.
One more recent aspect is the consideration of sustainability in aquarium keeping. On the one hand, this subject concerns the effects that removal from nature and the animal trade have on the respective ecosystems and communities; on the other hand, the areas that are affected by the procurement and operation of an aquarium: environmental balance, energy consumption etc. At Tropic Marin® particular focus is placed on environmentally-friendly properties in the development of new products. With regard to the conditions in the natural habitats of the animals, Tropic Marin® supports initiatives that campaign to improve conditions on site and in the trade.